Great animation, timing could have been a bit better, and the humor could have been subtler, but all in all I really enjoyed this cartoon, I would love to see this as a series, but I would like to see the characters get more fleshed out. Great work
Great animation, timing could have been a bit better, and the humor could have been subtler, but all in all I really enjoyed this cartoon, I would love to see this as a series, but I would like to see the characters get more fleshed out. Great work
Animation was ok, however I think it would have been funnier if you had showed Doug's reaction to finding out he just had sex with Mr Dink. Humor could have used some more work, again, I feel like showing Doug's reaction would have helped or maybe animating Mr. Dink's head on Patty Mayonnaise's body as he says, "very expensive Douglas." Either way ok stuff.
Pretty well animated, I wish I could have seen more though, for example: it would have been cool if you had your GF do an Evil Knievel-style stunt with her car and then show yourself with your busted car, that kind of extreme contrast would have been funnier. Also I like your design of the characters and the backgrounds, cute, bright, and colorful. This was ok.
Ok. Danke.
Not that funny, that being said with the right kind of set up, the fireworks joke could have worked. Also needs more animation that perfectly conveys Santa waking up late and hurrying to get to his sleigh. Also his screams of pain should feel more real, exaggerate it more, make it more violenent, it would make it funnier
A bit on the sketchy side, but amazingly well-animated. Perfect use of perspective and timing. I would have put more weight and force here and there. The best example is whenever Sonic lands after a jump, and specially after Sonic attacks an enemy, by adding more force to each attack it would give it more force. I also loved the composition of each individual scene in this short, nothing looks like it was setup at the last minute without any creativity in mind
You´re right, even for rough animation it can get very rough some times. Thanks for all the kind words and advice and taking the time to write a review!
This was fucking amazing. Fluid character animation, perfect visuals effects, vibrant colors, and it really captures the tone of the Simpsons Butterfinger commercials. Great one Ivan.
Fluid animation, perfect use of perspective and foreshadowing, beautiful colors and simple but cute plot that is easy to grasp. This is a great cartoon.
thank you!
Not great but not bad either. Animation could use a lot more work. Out of all the animations that try so hard to have that old Newgrounds feel, yours come the closest to capturing old Newgrounds circa 2009, and that is a good thing.
Eh, as much as I love the meme, this isn't all that great. The cartoon isn't bad, it just needs more added to it. A cartoon should be judged on its own merits specially when you consider all the normies who don't know about this meme, and simply wont get it.
Joined on 4/5/17